The Executioner Behead a Prisoner
Before the execution, the primary swordsman drank a large amount of alcohol to calm himself. Just when he was about to make the killing blow, his energy level dropped greatly until he was unable to sever the prisoner’s neck immediately. The primary swordsman lost his footing because he struck his blow at the wrong moment. So he ended up obstructing the path of the second swordsman who was raising his sword to administer a follow-up blow.
The Light of Peace at San Enrique, Philippines 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015, was a very big day for the people of San Enrique. San Enrique, a municipality in the province of Iloilo. On that auspicious day, the people in San Enrique and nearby municipalities succeeded in organizing the 3rd “Light of Peace” event in the Philippines in partnership with the Middle Way Meditation Institute (MMI). Iloilo, Philippines.
THE 38 WAYS TO HAPPINESS: Do not associate with fools II
Everyone born into the world has the greatest of intentions to live a decent life no-one wants to make a mess of their lives. Even a criminal doesn't particularly want to live his life dishonestly, but he thinks that being a criminal is good enough it's a good shortcut in earning one's living thus why not be a criminal. Having become a criminal. it is only later that he finds out that being a criminal is no good, but by then it's too late he can't change his mind or his life and ends up being a criminal for the rest of his life. Thus you can conclude that although everyone would like to be good, not everyone manages to live out their wishes.
One Day Meditation Retreat // July 30, 2016 - Meditation Center of Chicago
Meditation Center of Chicago arranged a special meditation for locals in the One Day Meditation Retreat Project on Saturday July 30, 2016. There were over 50 participants and Ven Dr. Nicholas Thanissaro was the teaching monk.
Buddha’s sacred remains go North
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Generosity (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fifteen :- Generosity.
World Peace
The beginning training lesson described already is meditation practice. This is the path for building peace in human society.
More Than Sorrow
If her son was still alive; she would be the rain when his mind was hot, she would be the fire to give warmth when he was cold, she would be the melody to comfort when he was lonely, and she would be the star-light when he looked up. However, she have lost my son which was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her life used to be smooth and now it’s like rock and roll. However, she still have to continue her steps. How? We will see...
What are the Blessings of Life?
Many scholars once said that the Blessings of Life are the ways that lead to progress, happiness, and prosperity
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 2. Suffering as a result of Aging [jara dukkha]
The lord Buddha defined Suffering resulting from aging as the form of suffering that has the characteristic of deterioration of the bodily organs and faculties such alarming symptoms as the hair turning grey